I have asked some menstrual cup owners to share their stories… you all pretty much know mine. However, if you are new to the blog here is a refresher. I would not ask anyone to do something I was not prepared to do myself.
Alias/ name Judie
What did you use before you tried reusable products Pads and tampons, usually together as I was paranoid about leakage. Especially when I was relying on public transport, waiting… the whole “do I have time to change?”… “There is no place to change”… stressful!
What do you use now? I use a large JuJu on my heavy days, Ruby at night and light days and very light days I use the small JuJu. In my work bag I keep my moon cup USA for emergencies and in my handbag is a softcup. I also have a sponge.
What do you want to try? I really want to try re-usable pads but I am rubbish at sewing, so I am looking online (and bribing my friend to make me some)… I liked pads to prevent chafing during the Summer months, so basically I would like a viable alternative. In the meantime I am trying washers, but while they are comfy they fall out when I go to the bathroom, so its really only an “at-home” solution.
What are you looking forward to about that product? Snaps that clip the pad in place.
What did you think when you first heard of cups? Yuck! I was grossed out at my friend who thought I would like them as I loved tampons. At that time, I was switching to Anion pads for health reasons. I must admit she only described the rubber one and it sounded uncomfortable and just plain dirty.
What do you think now? I love my cup and would not go back to tampons and pads. They are great for the environment, healthier for me and just plain convenient.
What advice can you give? Don’t knock it till you have tried it. It takes a while to get around the “yeek” factor, but it’s totally worth it.
Pls rate the product/s that you use... Outstanding exceeds expectations acceptable poor dreadful and troll
These have been rated in my above blog… however: Juju, Ruby and Lunette- Outstanding. Sponge, Moon Cup USA- exceeds Expectations. Soft tampon, Washer, Softcup- Acceptable and EE-/Acceptable + is MeLuna.
What did you use before you tried reusable products: Disposable Tampons and Pads
What did you think when you first heard of cups? My main questions were about health and safety, and then making sure I had the money to buy the product. Also how long I really could keep a cup in.I was blessed by being given my first cup, and now I'm saving all the money I would normally spend on Tampons and Pads to buy another cup, and I want to try reusable pads next.
What do you think now? What advice can you give? Pls rate the product/sthat you use... Outstanding exceeds expectations acceptable poor dreadful and troll: I am using a Ruby cup. I love it. I enjoy the freedom of not having to change every time I go to the toilet, nor needing to change so regularly. I use to hate going into the toilets and having to 'crack' open a tampon, or unwrap a pad, thinking others would hear it and know I had my period. Now I love it, no one knows because I don't have to crack anything. My Ruby goes in before I leave the house and I wear it all day, and then remove when I get home at the end of the day. It is great. I recommend the Ruby to everyone, at least have a go.
Next cup I'll try is a MeLuna due to the different sizes and they are cheaper, while don't seem to lack quality.
What advice can you give? Umm .. talk to others who use them about them. Don't be afraid to have a go. If you are unsure, have your first run on a day that you are at home, and maybe wear a pad as well, if that will settle your nerves.
What did you use before you tried reusable products: I would normally use pads, mostly buy Libra -Now use MeLuna, I don’t really need to try others now- I’m very happy with MeLuna
What did you think when you first heard of cups? When I first heard of cups, I thought it was really gross and some weird hippy thing -now I think its a great way to save money (by not having to buy a new packet every couple of months) and cut down on rubbish (for the same reason) and its also so comfortable. I don’t have to be sitting in grossness all day and getting chafed. Its really freeing.
What advice can you give? Just keep an open mind and maybe give something different a go.
What do you think now? What advice can you give? Please rate the product/s that you use... Outstanding exceeds expectations acceptable poor dreadful and troll: Exceeds expectations… (and its pretty)